10 tips for bathing your cat to be a celebration
A pet cat is clean, but there are situations where your intervention in its hygiene is absolutely necessary. Here's what you do that it becomes a real pleasure.
Bathing your cat may seem an impossible task at first, especially when she is not accustomed to small habit. If until one year of age has not been touched by water, will be difficult to escape without scratches, noise and disturbance in the bathroom when you HAVE A washing operation.
So try to induce your cat's habit since the first months of life, so that after a while, become a ritual to accept it without much fuss.
But how can you turn your bathroom into a pleasant activity for the cat? Here are some tips:
1. If you get scared when her baby shower, avoid using him and replace him with a bowl to pour water on the fur easily. Be careful not to sprinkle on the face, not to like and you could spark a reaction from her aggressive!
2. Always check the water temperature before you get in contact with the skin the cat, it should not be hot, but warm.
3. Do not apply shampoo directly to the skin cold, the temperature difference will scare. Dilute it with water first.
4. Water Watch and ears, cats are extremely sensitive in this area and can easily develop infections. You can even them covered with a cotton ball each.
5. At the time the water, talk to him calmly stroking it and avoid brutal gestures. No rush to pour water on it, leave it slightly until it is customary with the environment and with ... what is going to happen.
6. If it gets overly agitated, call your support: spouse, children, friends, etc..
7. Do not fret utensils in front of it (shampoo, spray, etc..), Prepare them in advance and put them within reach.
8. Rinse them well fur, do not let it dry with traces of shampoo in it. It dries her skin and leaves you vulnerable to infection and parasites.
9. When you are done bathing, remove cat in a thick towel and wipe it dry. Then leave it alone to finalize the cleanliness and will continue to be toilet alone.
10. Finally, do not forget to praise and reward for being obedient and left you to take your business to finish.
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